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Rising Stars Afterschool Programs
We provide after-school programs focused on Movement, Sports, Dance, and Yoga. Our programs are designed to provide a fun and engaging way for students to stay active, exercise their bodies and minds, and develop new skills with their peers outside of the classroom.
Empowering future generations to
move and thrive
At Rising Stars, we’re on a mission to help kids stay active, happy, and healthy by using movement, dance, yoga and sports as a catalyst to empower kids to discover their inner strength and make each kid shine!
Leading provider of movement and sport enrichment
Our programs are designed to provide a fun, non-competitive and engaging way for students to stay active, exercise their bodies and minds, and develop new skills with their peers outside of the classroom.
Unique curriculum and individualized learning
Our unique curriculum and individualized learning make classes fun and engaging for children and focuses on character development. We positively impact children’s lives through our best-in-class coaching, communication and curriculum. Each class focuses on helping kids develop their strengths, leadership abilities and express themselves.
Extended learning and enrichment beyond school hours
Our popular after-school programs extend your child's learning with high-quality curriculum and opportunities to exercise both body and mind.
About Our Company
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Our Services
Help your clients make a decision: highlight your strong points and come up with a good reason to work with you
Our First Service
Briefly describe your service and upload ambient photographs to draw your potential clients’ attention
Our Second Service
Describe your service in brief and upload an ambient photo to draw your potential clients’ attention
Our Third Service
Explain why working with your company is the best decision for a client
Help your client make a decision: Insert an inspirational phrase and add a CTA button!
Why Choose Us?
Feature #1
Say why your company is different and better than others.
Feature #2
Explain why working with your company is the best decision for a client.
Feature #3
Say why working with your company is the best decision for a client.
Feature #4
Explain why working with your company is the best decision for a client.
Feature #5
Describe your priorities and principles in customer relations.
Feature #6
Explain why working with your company is the best decision for a client.
Add a Motivational Phrase
Insert the contact form fields and indicate how to fill them, so the client can make an order or contact you
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